Saturday, September 7, 2013

Han (206 BC-220 AD)

The jade carving technique of the Han dynasty is famous for its straightforwardness and is known as the eight times of carving for each line. The main motif for western <a href="">Han</a> is the auspicious animal. The size of jade artifacts tends to become large due to the sufficient supply of Hotan jade. After eastern Han, the main motifs are the four auspicious creatures (dragon, phoenix, tiger, the couple of snake and turtle), cloud and eagle. Defferent from previous periods, Han Dynasty jades have modern Chinese characters reading long happiness, suitable for offsprings appeared on many bi-disks jades.
Emperor Kwan-Wu of Eastern Han dynasty (BC6-AD57) mutton white Jade,  H. 15cm, Weight: 1.0kg. 
 The inscription of "Kwan-Wu-Yu-Zhi(光武御製)" on the chest has identified the original owner of the container which is supposed to be water container for  brush writing (硯滴) in Chinese (writing brush had been used already before Eastern Han). In other words, it was made by the order of the first emperor Kwan-Wu of Eastern Han dynasty about two thousands years ago.  With mastery workmanship, this artifact is made of top quality mutton white jade(see <a href="">gem lab test result </a>).  As far as antiquity is concerned,evidences of <a href="">diffusive marking</a>, deteriorate marking and differential weathering are obvious. 
The container design of mother carrying baby on the back has seen in the<a href=""> western Zhou Dynasty bronze artifacts</a>. The lid of the container has a young eagle carving. Underneath the tail having two branches( having similar style to that of the bronze bird container ) of the mother eagle protecting a young dragon. The mother eagle is staring backward at both the young eagle and young dragon to make sure they are nicely taken care of. The noble character of loving not only the own loved but also the others has fully been expressed. This theme conforms the Emperor Kwan -Wu's economic policy of paying attention to people's livelihood, resting with the people. The motif of dragon is seen on both wings, with the Yu-I ( fulfill of one's wishes) curly cloud motif on the tail. Both motifs are the symbol of nobleness and luck.<a href=""> Fairly unique among emperors in Chinese history was Emperor Guangwu's combination of decisiveness and mercy. He often sought out peaceful means rather than bellicose means of putting areas under his control. He was, in particular, one of the rare examples of a founding emperor of a dynasty who did not kill, out of jealousy or paranoia, any of the generals or officials who contributed to his victories after his rule was secure.</a> The main theme of this jade artifact has fully expressed this.Judging from the perfect design made of top quality jade and historic significance, this artifact is no doubt one of the most valuable one for serious collectors.
Emperor Kwan-Wu of Eastern Han dynasty (BC6-AD57) mutton white Jade Paperweight, H. 7cm, D. 7.5cm, Weight: 500g. 
This seal-form paperweight (paper had been used before Eastern Han Dynasty ) is made of mutton white jade( see <a href="">test result from gem lab </a>) with carving style of Han Dynasty. The inscription of "Kwan-Wu-Yu-Zhi(光武御製)" on the bottom side of the paperweight has clearly indicated the item belongs to the imperial palace of Emperor Kwan Wu, the first emperor of the Eastern Han dynasty of China. Antiquity evidences include <a href="">diffusive marking</a> , <a href="">differential weathering</a> and<a href=""> additive crystal</a>.
The paper weight has a high relief dragon carving with the body curling around the head. The imposing and majestic looking of the dragon has been thoroughly expressed. In addition, the round and smooth carving has made it easy for holding by hand. It symbolizes that all the livings and properties under the heaven are under the emperor's control. 
Han Dynasty,Jade Pixiu Plaque, L.25.5cm, W.20.5cm,
Applying the techniques of low relief and open work, this artifact presents one god’s face, three divines and eighteen mythical animals on the jade plaque as thin as 0.2cm. The appearances of all figures which may be only the head, half and whole body of the mythical animals have been depicted vividly. Despite the difficulty of workmanship, the lines of the objects on the artifact are presented smoothly and elegantly,it is no doubt that this artifact is a masterpiece in jade carving.
Han Dynasty Rhino Set, L. 22cm, H. 14cm
Carved with white jade, this jade container has the shape rhino with the young rhino as the cover. The whole body is decorated with low relief of auspicious motif. The main motif is a phoenix fabricated with stripes. The major antiquity evidences are calcification and differential weathering.
Han Dynasty, Jade Pixie, L.30cm
Carved with green tone Hetian jade, this pixie has Han style with curling wing and fire motif on the thigh. Two tubes are seen under the eyes and above the nose. Antiquity evidences are shown for the <a href="">additive crystal</a>,<a href=""> differential weathering</a> and <a href="">cleaving vein</a>.
Han Dynasty, Jade Bi, D.19.5cm,T.0.8cm
Carved with yellow tone Hetian jade, this bi is decorated crop sprouts on both sides. The edge of the bi has sharp angle. Antiquity evidences include <a href="">diffusive marking </a>and <a href="">differential weathering</a>.
Han Dynasty, Musical Slabs, 14.2cm-10.3cm
Combined with open work and low relief acarving techniques, this musical slab set has seven pieces the length of them ranges from 14.2cm to 10.3cm. The subject motifs are the four auspicious animals of green dragon, white tiger, cinnabar phoenix and shenwu( turtle coupling with snake ). The dragon are part carved with open work style and part of low relief, the phoenix are carved open work style , while the tiger and turtle coupling with snake are low relief style. Antiquity evidences include<a href=""> additive crystal</a>, calcification and differential weathering. In addition, <a href="">gold residual </a>is seen in one of the slab.
Han Dynasty, L.13cm
Carved with yellow green tone Hetian jade, this sword ornamant set has the motif of Eastern Han. The scabbard buckle has low relief tiger and dragon motif. The pommel insert has the motif of horse and bear. At the center is the circular clude motif. One side of the sword guard has the deity face. The other side is the snake and dragon. The scabbard chape has deity face on one side and has the motif of horse and fairy. Antiquity evidences include <a href="">additive crystal</a> and <a href="">differential weathering</a>.
Han dynasty, Jade Mythical Animal Set,  H.14cm
Carved with yellow green tone Hetian jade, this mythical animal set has the upper part as dragon with one horn. The young dragon is lying on the neck. The lower part is a phoenix shape. On the back has an open work carving of deity face. Antiquity evidences include <a href="">additive crystal</a>, <a href=""> cleaving vein </a>and<a href=""> diffusive marking</a>.
Han Dynasty, Jade Vase, H.20, W.12
Carved with the typical horn cup style of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this jade vase use the theme of the legendary Mother of the West Heaven to have the mixed structure of Goddess and phoenix. The base of the vase has the motif of lotus. One phoenix climbing on the edge of the vase. Low relief carving lily and plantain leaves are seen around the cup. Antiquity evidences include<a href=""> additive crystal</a>, calcification and<a href=""> diffusive marking</a>.
Han Dynasty Jade Bi Disk, H.10cm, W.7cm, T.0.6cm, 65grams
The object is designed to include three major sections: The outer ring with connected cloud of the bi-disk, the inner open work with one side seen “eternal happiness(長樂)" inscription( The name of one the palaces in the Han Dynasty), the other side dragon and phoenix motif, the dragon form attached on the top edge of the outer ring. Pervasive populated are various archaic elements including<a href=""> cleaving veins</a>, <a href="">additive crystals</a> and <a href="">differential weathering</a>.
Han Dynasty, Sword Ornament, L.11.5cm
Carved with green tone Hetian jade, this sword ornament set has the motif of Eastern Han. The scabbard buckle has low relief  dragon motif.One side of the pommel insert has the motif of dragon. The other side id lotus.  One side of the sword guard has the deity face. The other side is the dragon. The scabbard chape has deity face on one side and has the motif of dragon. Antiquity evidences include<a href=""> differential weathering</a> and <a href="">diffusive marking</a>.
Han Dynasty,Bi Cong, Huang, Kuei Combination, H.15cm, W.11cm
The object is the combination of the four ritual jades: bi, cong, huang and kuei. Three auspicious animals are surrounding them. Antiquity evidences include dissolved pit, additive crystal and calcification.
Jade Mandarin Duck Pair,L.14cm
Carved with white jade, the feather details are carefully depicted. The beat has an open work design to have the vivid effect to utter the sound. The abstract design on the wings have the Han Dynasty typical shape. Antiquity evidences include calcification, <a href="">cleaving vein</a> and<a href=""> diffusive markings</a>.
Han Dynasty,H. 13.2cm
The relative thick eyebrow popularly seen in many Han Dynasty animals. On the chest, low relief dragon, phoenix and deity face motifs are seen. The incised lines are carved relatively deep. Antiquity evidences include <a href="">additive crystal</a>, dissolved pits and calcification.
Western Han Dynasty, Ko Halberd Axe, L.13cm, H.7.7cm, T.0.4cm, 45grams

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